The FCLP2I space – The LP2I Pedagogical Laboratory

The FCLP2I is three spaces over more than 200 m^2, located on the first floor of the Lycée Pilote Innovant International (LP2I) on the Futuroscope site (86) and dedicated to pedagogical innovation. These spaces bring together six « learning zones » and are inspired by pedagogical scenarios co-constructed during the year 2014-2015 by an eclectic team made up of students, teachers, management staff, members of the inspection body, professionals from the Canopé Network, researchers and companies. In turn, these three rooms and their particular layout are intended to inspire new pedagogical scenarios, new ways of teaching and learning.

Is this success the student’s or the school’s? The institution spends a lot of grey matter and energy to improve the success of students in tests that it has designed itself. But is success in the final test enough? It is well known that it does not guarantee either a job or the ability to find one’s place in life. It is proposed here to think of Academic Success as the success of the School. But what is a successful school? To succeed is to achieve objectives. While the report of France Stratégie of September 2016 takes up the question, Jacques Dubois, on his blog Prodageo, gives a humanistic mission of the School: « To learn to know oneself and to understand the world in order to find one’s place in it while respecting the interests of others ». Fulfilling these objectives cannot be achieved solely by preparing for the Brevet or the Baccalaureate, exams which « only » attest to a certain expertise in targeted disciplinary fields. Without neglecting this necessary step, it is appropriate to contribute to the above mission by enabling students, teachers and more generally the educational ecosystem to develop 21st Century Competencies. Collaboration, Skilled Communication, Real World Problem Solving / Innovation, Digital Literacy, Self-Regulation, Knowledge Building, are today’s competences that can help to better understand and interact with the world. These competences contribute to meeting society’s expectations of young people’s employability as well as their social and cultural openness as citizens of the 21st century. To develop the above-mentioned competences, and others, the European Schoolnet project « Future Classroom Lab » proposes two levers. Build/implement new pedagogical scenarios and rethink physical learning spaces, the classroom in particular. Inspired by this European project and a true Pedagogical Laboratory, the FCLP2I space aims to play on these two levers.
Finally, technology in the FCLP2I is not a tool, it is a context, a culture itself. It is free for all to use and presents – in the same way as modular spaces or new scenarios – only to facilitate the actions and interactions that allow the student to take a greater part, individually and collaboratively, in the transformation of knowledge that is today accessible to all, into real knowledge, into real skills..
Learning space
The FCLP2I is above all a place to learn. It allows teachers to envisage different course sessions that can better develop certain 21st century skills, in symbiosis with more classical, disciplinary or interdisciplinary learning objectives.
Experimentation space
Considering the teacher also as a researcher (in Research-Action quasi permanent), the FCLP2I is a pedagogical laboratory. Each actor in the project – pupil, teacher, researcher or partner company – has the vocation to experiment, test and even improvise learning situations, either new or old, by observing what the different context offered by the space improves pedagogically.
In order to enrich everyone’s experimentation and in a spirit of collaborative work, each use of the venue will be the subject of a brief description of the scenario and/or an assessment of the session carried out. In this way, the user’s reflexive approach will be encouraged, as will the sharing of uses between users. To this end, these testimonials will feed into a catalogue of scenarios accessible internally via a think/choose/build platform (GRR, Google Form, Canoprof, etc.).
Finally, the FCLP2I is not isolated in the institution. The fact of encouraging new scenarios, new uses of space and new postures should make it possible to initiate new practices beyond the Collaborative Room or Project Space, in the more « traditional » rooms. For example, a change from a « U » configuration to an island configuration, facilitated by the FCLP2I, must be able to invite a teacher who is sufficiently convinced of the pedagogical interest of such a system to reproduce it in less favourable conditions, even if it means « losing » five minutes, but to the benefit of learning.
Space for creating resources
Although not the main mission of FLP2I, the creation of resources resulting from the experiments carried out will be encouraged. Whether individually or collectively, by teachers or students, all forms of production will be promoted in a digital space to be defined and constructed. Within the framework of an agreement with the Canopé Network, the FCLP2I will also be a target place for the promotion of innovative practices and the creation of resources published by Canopé.
Training area
The FCLP2I is a privileged place to host training courses focusing on 21st century skills, innovative scenarios, techno-pedagogical trends, digital uses, collaborative work, project pedagogy, etc. These training courses may be internal or external, notably involving project partners such as the Canopé Network or the Futuroscope Park Pedagogical Workshops.
Communication space, Twinned space
The FCLP2I is an open space which offers the possibility to a large public of education stakeholders to come and visit and see its facilities in operation, with the agreement of the management and teachers concerned.
It is part of the European network of Future Classroom Labs5. It is in fact twinned with each of the member institutions of the network, in particular and naturally, the French institutions (e.g.: la Salle @ctif – AC-Rouen, ECLA – AC-Lyon).
In the framework of the agreement with the Canopé Network, the actions carried out in the FCLP2I can be relayed on a national scale and inspire similar initiatives through the Future Classroom Lab network in France, both in terms of the pedagogical scenarios designed or implemented and in terms of the layout of the learning spaces. The FCL network in France will be able to rely on a group of 18 ambassadors spread throughout the territory.
In the framework of the partnership with the Futuroscope Park, various joint actions can be carried out: co-design sessions of pedagogical scenarios with the team of the Park’s Workshops, projects of Complementary Training Activities by LP2I Pupils converging with the development of the Park, partnerships with companies, third party associations, Fablabs…